The AI-powered property report
Prove your value to clients, win deals, and generate leads with comprehensive data for every property in the US
Trusted by industry leaders
KeyesPrimeMLSBaird & WarnerSan Francisco Association of RealtorsColdwell BankerSouthwest MLSPark City MLSCompassKeller Williams
Prepare for the future with Aiden
Our industry is shifting. Agents are facing a highly-competitive market and need new ways to stand out to clients.

RealReports™ are powered by Aiden, an AI copilot which analyzes tens of thousands of data points, answering any property question instantly.
AI document analysis
Use Aiden to get answers about complex, lengthy documents like inspection reports, condo docs, and sellers’ disclosures in seconds.

Upload documents to your RealReport™ and Aiden will summarize the content, extracting key details and actionable insights, saving you and your clients hours of time.
Property Valuation
“Because of RealReports, I‘ve won 3 listings in the past month, including one for $6 million. They make a huge impression with clients.”
“There‘s nothing like RealReports. They are one of the first AI-powered products we believe will 10x our agents‘ business.”
“I LOVE RealReports! They help my agents set themselves apart on listing appointments and helping to counsel their buyers.”
Provide unique value
  • Build instant credibility with deep property knowledge and insights
  • Save time evaluating properties with streamlined research and diligence
  • Submit more competitive offers, backed up by data
Win more deals
  • Stand out to sellers with premium listing presentations and data-driven strategies
  • Increase transparency and decrease days on market by combining data and documents with your expertise
  • Protect your clients and build trust by proactively uncovering potential issues
Grow your business
  • Capture lead information anytime someone views your RealReport™
  • Identify top prospects with real-time insights and lead activity
  • Boost your marketing by sharing RealReports™ on your website, social media, and listing materials
Comprehensive property data
Access the most accurate and reliable property information from over 30 top providers, updated the moment you pull a RealReport™
FEMAEPA LogoCensusFBICDCNational Weather ServicesFiber Homes
and many more
RealReport Tiers
Snapshot (included)
Showings, client engagement, and initial property research
  • Agent remarks
  • Air quality (AQI)
  • Climate risk
  • Crime
  • Demographics
  • Elevation
  • Environmental ratings
  • Flood details/insurance
  • Hazardous facilities
  • Historical disasters
  • Internet speeds
  • Nearby schools
  • Neighborhood scores
  • Radon levels
  • Utilities (electricity/solar)
  • Valuations (up to 3)
  • Weather
Buyer (1 credit)
Buyer presentations and offer preparation
Everything in Snapshot, plus:
  • aidenAiden
  • AI document analysis*
  • Lead capture
  • Location information
  • News and media
  • Permits
  • Points of interest
  • Property characteristics
  • Remodel estimates
  • School district information
  • Site details
  • Sustainability Features
  • Valuations (up to 5)
  • Zoning
*Only available with a Plus or Pro RealReport™ subscription
Seller (2 credits)
Listing presentations, open houses, or deep buyer diligence
Everything in Buyer, plus:
  • aidenAiden (advanced)
  • HOA information
  • Liens
  • Loan/transaction history
  • Long-term rental potential
  • Owner details
  • Points of interest (advanced)
  • Previous sales
  • Sex offender registry
  • Short-term rental potential
  • Tax history/information
  • Valuations (up to 8)
Occasional transactions
    Working with multiple clients
      Top producers
        Custom pricing available for MLS‘s, associations, and brokerages.
        Click here to contact us.
        About us
        We started RealReports™ after years of building a successful brokerage and experiencing the many challenges that agents face in a competitive market.

        To succeed in our industry you need to stand out. Our mission at RealReports™ is to create a one-of-a-kind solution using cutting edge technology to empower agents to meaningfully grow their business.

        Our backers

        TTVModerne VenturesCMSFortified VenturesLAUNCHSNR
        Supercharge your sales with RealReports